Sunday, August 10, 2008

The practice of making miniature representation of soldier can be traced back to ancient Egyptian times,for the first small warriors like figure were discoverd in the tombs of the Pharoahs where they were probably placed as part of religious ceremonies.Example of Roman solid figure can be seen in the British museum,London these are though to have been ply things.the discovery at Xian in China of a full size terracota.Army bears testimony to the compulsion to reproduce real live military soldier.

         Toy soldier were for children at first they where only available in limited numbers and so were expensive and tended tobe bought for the children of the nobility later as manufacturing became more sophisicated,more soldier at cheaper price became available for all childrento enjoy.By the late 19th century many a victorian christmas tree would be surrounded by all maner of toys and for boys boxes of toy soldiers became a snust

          the mid 18th century had seen manufacture of some of the first commercial toy soldiers_flat,solid and made of lead in Nuremberg in Germany Heinrichsen was one of the major manufactures.Semi flat soldier were also produce in Germany at this time the toy soldier as we know it to day.

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